Indoor silos, stainless steel

Indoor silos, stainless steel

Powder Technic supplies stainless steel silo for bakeries, food factories and feed factories. We tailor the dimensions according to your spesifications and equip the silos with our filter and fluidisation bottom to ensure reliable operation.

Powder Technic stainless steel indoor silo features and benefits:

  • Comprehensive delivery, from layout design to installation

  • Also available in a modular configuration – the silo is delivered in stackable blocks, thus making it easy to install in low, tight spaces.

  • Material: stainless steel

  • Dimensions set according to customer specifications, such as 5-36 m3

  • No vaulting or moisture problems

Extensive service package in support of our silo deliveries:

  • Main silo dimension drawings during the construction permit phase

  • Installation drawings during the foundation construction phase – silo OTR shipment and escort vehicles to the installation site

  • Required lift equipment and erection of the silo on the foundation

  • Calibration and implementation of weighing equipment

  • Project delivery inspection with the customer